Strom, Ron. “Parents Fight Hospital Over Care Of Preemie.” World Net Daily, 28 June 2002. Web. 26 Oct. 2011.
Strom addresses a shocking story about the conflict between doctors and the parents of a preemie born more than three months early. After doctors suggested ending its life support, the parents instantly fought back in an attempt to have their baby saved. Doctors gradually became angrier as the parents continued to oppose further recommendations regarding the matter. As a result, an ugly battle began between the two parties. Strom directs his article towards parents of premature babies. His intent is to warn them about potential obstacles, or in other words, heartless doctors that they may encounter during their baby’s journey in the NICU. Parents of baby William received very little respect from doctors at Memorial Hospital in Colorado Springs after he had been born. To argue their point, doctors gave William an EEG test in order to measure his brain activity. They told his parents that he had only a small amount of activity in his brain. Later, William’s parents found out that EEG tests are not very reliable when given to preemies. Before being transferred to a hospital in Texas, their baby was given another test. Unlike the first, it showed certain brain activity. Soon after transferring hospitals, it became evident to William’s parents that they were not going to be treated any better by doctors in Texas. Doctors there too argued that the preemie should not be given any more medical care. Thankfully, they did not get their way. Within his time spent at Methodist Hospital in San Antonio, Texas, William’s parents endured nonstop hatred from the doctors. In that course of time, many issues were disagreed upon. Shockingly, doctors became so upset that they told lies and threatened to contact Child Protective Services. Attorneys even became involved. Eventually the issues were settled and baby William was finally able to be taken home after spending the first four months of his life in the NICU. Strom’s article is somewhat biased. It focuses strictly on the opinions of parents and the negative aspects of doctors in the NICU. Although this is the case, doctors included in this article failed to give a logical reasoning behind their opinions; therefore, why shouldn’t readers side with the parents? Strom’s article explained the story of baby William and his parents in a great amount of detail. In my opinion, it was saddening. Parents of preemies go through so much as it is. They definitely do not need the added stress of having to deal with hurtful, lying doctors. A number of people may not be exactly interested in this topic, which is completely understandable seeing that many are not personally connected to it. If someone is looking for something random and shocking to read though, I would highly recommend this article! In my opinion, the situation is extremely upsetting, and the article itself is overwhelming at times!