Carson, Erin. “Complications of Preemies.” eHow Health, n.d. Web. 7 Nov. 2011.
Erin Carson addresses the many complications that can occur after a premature baby is born. She touches on both short and long term disabilities that may be encountered, and she also offers some shocking results regarding preemies. Carson directs her article toward parents-to-be and parents of babies born premature. Her intent is to inform them about the many complications that must be dealt with when parenting these little miracles (immediately after birth and throughout the child's lifetime). She also offers several tips that could potentially prevent premature birth. In regards to complications, preemies tend to experience many. Some of their organs may be underdeveloped, leading to breathing and digestive problems. Preemies may also have skin discoloration, eye disorders, infection vulnerability, and more. A number of infants born premature face long term complications or disabilities as well, some of which include the following: cerebral palsy, learning difficulties, behavioral disorders, breathing problems, and vision or hearing loss. Many believe that only the earliest born preemies are capable of obtaining these problems, but this assumption has been proven wrong. According to March of Dimes, late preterm babies actually have a greater chance of having developmental difficulties and learning disabilities during their school years. In order to lower the chances of having a premature baby, one must take caution by scheduling regular check-ups and maintaining a healthy living style during pregnancy. Doctors should also never schedule a C-section before a woman’s due date. Carson’s article was not bias one bit! It was based solely on facts and offered some very useful information. I am looking forward to putting this newly learned material towards my research paper!
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