Tuesday, October 11, 2011

21 Weeks: Too Premature To Save?

Peveteaux, April. “Saving a 21-Week-Old Preemie May Not Be Great News.” thestir.cafemom.com. The Stir, 30 May 2011. Web. 11 Oct. 2011.

In this heartwarming, yet concerning article, April Peveteaux addresses the issue of whether or not saving a 21 week old preemie is a good idea.  She touches on the miracle story of one baby girl, but expresses the opinions of many regarding the issue. Her intent is to inform and educate parents, doctors, and others concerned about the possibilities preemies may face if born at an extremely early date.  Frieda, who was just one pound when being born at 21 weeks, is a perfectly good example of a worthwhile fight to save a preemie.  As of now, this strong little girl is thriving and absent of any lifetime disabilities that most babies would face if born so early.  The truth though, is that only about 3% of babies born this early are lucky enough to encounter a life with no physical or mental impairments.  The debatable issue of whether or not so much money should go towards saving these babies is ongoing.  Parents and doctors seem to have very opposing opinions regarding the issue.  Peveteaux refrains from being bias in her article.  She mentions why many mothers would argue the fact that an attempt should be made to save their baby, no matter its prematurity.  While doing so, Peveteaux also explains the concerns doctors and nurses have in regards to the amount of money and time spent to try and save these preemies.  Overall, this was a very brief, yet informative article.  It remained very balanced and offered views from both sides.  Although many of my classmates may not find interest in this topic since it greatly affects parents and doctors, I do plan to further my research.  In doing so, I will find detailed views from both sides of the issue, explaining why certain people think the way they do.  

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